Guide for Authors


Structure of the paper

Before submitting your paper make sure your manuscrip include following steps and descriptions.

The papers should be up to 7000 words, written in APA referencing style, typed in Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, and confirming to the following structural format:


1. Title

2. Affiliation

3. Abstract and keywords

4. Introduction

5. Objectives

6. Problematic of the research

7. Conceptual Framework followed by Research Questions and Hypotheses

8. Research Design and methods

9. Data analysis and Interpretation

10. Major Findings with at least one possible major contribution to the body of knowledge

11. Conclusions and suggestions

12. Scope for further Investigations

13. Notes if any

14. References.

All papers will be subjected to review by a committee of experts of the subjects. Papers recommended for publication by the review committee will be considered for inclusion in the journal.

Submission Guideline:

When sending your manuscript make sure to follow the following necessary steps:

::  Registration as a user in the website
::  a special code will be sent to the user
::  the author must fill up the article form followed by the required data
::  the author must check to see if the article and related files have been submitted safely
::  the final step is to approve the submission